Destabilizing Debt Ensures the Crisis Has Just Begun

April 17, 2023 The debt-disabled U.S. economy cannot withstand the surge in borrowing costs, and the reduction in money supply growth necessary to combat the record-high inflation suffered over the past few years. Our beloved U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said...

Inflapression (Inflationary Depression)

March 27th 2023 Christian Laggard raised interest rates by 50 bps last week, and Mr. Powell decided to raise the Fed Funds Rate by 25bps today and to keep the Quantitative Tightening Program at its current pace. It is hysterically funny that the Fed and ECB both...

Soft Landing, to No Landing, to Crash Landing

February 24th, 2023 The Deep State of Wall Street has changed the narrative from an economy that will probably undergo just a soft landing, to one that will now experience no landing at all. This specious propaganda is derived from the situation where we find CPI...

Four Reasons Why the January Rally Will Falter

February 9, 2023 Inflation is supposedly on its way to falling gently back to 2% like a fluffy snowflake while the US economy roars ahead. Or at least that is what the deep state of Wall Street needs you to think. However, the US economy is in the eye of the hurricane...