Trillion-Dollar Market Cap Club

January 28th, 2020 There are a handful of stocks in which institutions and individual investors have recently piled into.  This behavior is emblematic of all bull markets once they begin to hit the manic phase. Wall Street falls in love with a few high-growth darlings...

Stocks Rise as Zombie Companies Proliferate

January 21, 2020 Share prices on the major US exchanges are hitting all-time highs at the same time that both the number and percentage of companies that do not make any money at all are rising. According to the Wall Street Journal, the percentage of publicly-traded...

Playing Taps For The Middle Class

January 13, 2020 It is not at all a mystery as to the cause of the wealth gap that exists between the very rich and the poor. Central bankers are the primary cause of this chasm that is eroding the foundation of the global middle class. The world’s poor are falling...

Farewell Paul Volcker Hello Monetary Madness

December 20, 2019 God bless Paul Volcker. He was truly a one of a kind central banker, and we probably won’t see another one like him ever again. It took his extreme bravery to crush the inflation caused by the monetary recklessness of Arthur Burns and the...

Economic Tribulation is Coming, and Here is Why

December 16, 2019 The global fixed income market has reached such a manic state that junk bond yields now trade at a much lower rate than where investment-grade debt once stood. Investment-grade corporate debt yields were close to 6% prior to the Great Recession....

Priced for Perfection

The stock market has now priced in a perfect resolution for all of its erstwhile perils. Wall Street Shills would have you believe that since the Fed has turned dovish, it will always be able to push stocks higher. The trade war is about to reach a peaceful...

Fed Can’t See the Bubbles Through the Lather

November 12, 2019 Recently, there has been a parade of central bankers along with their lackeys on Wall Street coming on the financial news networks and desperately trying to convince investors that there are no bubbles extant in the world today. Indeed, the Fed sees...

How to Avoid the Next 50% Market Crash

October 28, 2019 This ageing bull market may soon face the third market collapse since the year 2000. Nobody can predict the exact starting date of its decline—but either a recession or stagflation will surely be its catalyst. During the next debacle, the typical...

Will Rate Cuts Be Enough?

October 14, 2019  The mainstream financial media is absolutely ebullient about global central banks’ renewed enthusiasm to cut interest rates to a level that is even lower than they already are. And, most importantly, Wall Street is completely confident that theses...