by pentoport | Mar 5, 2021 | Commentary
March 5, 2021 The global sovereign bond market is fracturing, and its ramifications for asset prices cannot be overstated. Borrowing costs around this debt-disabled world are now surging. The long-awaited reality check for those that believed they could borrow and...
by pentoport | Feb 3, 2021 | Tax Accounting Services
The term “exit tax” has generated much confusion among New Jersey residents selling their homes to move out of the state. While it is often thought that this is a tax imposed when you sell property in New Jersey and change your domicile, this is an invalid statement....
by pentoport | Feb 2, 2021 | Commentary
February 2, 2021 I’d like to explain why these already-stretched markets could crash by the start of the 3rd quarter. I’ve been warning over the past month, or about, that my Inflation/Deflation and Economic Cycle Model SM is forecasting a potential crash in equities...
by pentoport | Jan 29, 2021 | Commentary
January 29, 2021 Bitcoin, or as I like to call it BitCON or S*H**T coin, is not gold 2.0. What makes gold valuable is its extreme rarity, its beauty, and its quality of being virtually indestructible. Bitcoin enjoys none of these traits. Of course, Bitcoin is not in...
by pentoport | Jan 25, 2021 | Commentary
January 25, 2021 Initial Jobless claims totaled 900,000 for the week ending January 16th, after shedding 965,000 in the week prior. These numbers are over four times greater than they were a year ago. I find this to be not only sad but also remarkable in that we are...