Fed’s Tools are Broken

June 7, 2021 The U.S. central bank has metastasized from an institution that was originally designed to assist distressed banks, to one that believes its purview now includes perpetuating asset bubbles, fighting global warming and reconciling racial inequities....

Peak Growth and Inflation

May 10, 2021 The rates of growth and inflation are now surging in the U.S., but that shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. What else would you expect when the Federal government has sent $6 trillion dollars in helicopter money to state and local governments,...

Get Ready for the Fourth U.S. Central Bank

April 26, 2021  We all should be aware that the current Federal Reserve of the United States is not America’s first central bank. In fact, we’ve had a few others before this current disastrous iteration came into existence in 1913. We hope and believe it...

Freedom Fatality of the Fed

March 22nd 2021 In a recent interview, I referred to the Fed as a disgusting institution. I want to explain why I believe that to be the case, as I do not like to disparage anyone or any entity indiscriminately or capriciously—only when absolutely necessary. To be...